Assalammualaikum wr. wb.,
Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI). This faculty has six Study Programs: Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Biology (Biotechnology), Food Technology and Nutrition.
Providing quality education through excellent research is one of our goals in preparing students to meet the challenges of the future Industrial Revolution 4.0. Challenges that are also addressed by the Indonesian government, that is to increase economic growth through innovation in science and technology. To achieve this goal, all Faculty members, Laboratory and Administrative staffs of FST work closely together to serve UAI students and the community by developing excellent teaching strategy and research, and by trying to answer and solve problems that are exist in the community.
As a research university, FST is conducting various research in each Study Program (please see the website of each Study Program (SP) for more detail information). Following are examples of prime research that are currently being conducted:
- SP Industrial Engineering: Supply chain system in garment industry; Supply chain risks in wooden toys industry; Strategic planning in elevator industry; young entrepreneur development; perishable goods distribution; CNC machines development and manufacturing systems
- SP Electrical Engineering: Optical communication;
- SP Computer Science: Data science and big data analysis;
- SP Biology (Biotechnology): Molecular interaction between banana (Musa spp) and microbial pathogen using transcriptomics and metagenomics approaches; Conservation of endangered turtle species; Molecular ecology study of fresh water fish in Ciliwung river ecosystem; Production of Protein enriched ganyong; and Agroforestry Rubber and Canna indica.
- SP Food Technology: Survey of the application of GMP to the halal industry; Analysis of the compliance level of food vendors on GMP; and Analysis of the compliance level of reading food labels at students.
- SP Nutrition: Nutrition assessment through life cycle and with various health conditions; Children with down syndrome and obesity; Children on preschool and school age; Adolescent girls with anemia, and women with HIV/AIDS.
High quality teaching and research at FST-UAI are obtained by recruiting high quality educators/researchers, graduated from top universities in Indonesia, such as ITB, UI, ITB, UGM, and from world class university in: USA (University of Dayton), Canada (University of Guelph, Simon Fraser University, University of Waterloo), Malaysia (University Putra Malaysia), Taiwan (NTUST), the Netherland (Delft University of Technology), Germany (Leibniz Universitaet Hanover, University of Karlsruhe, Technische Universität Munchen, RWTH Aachen), Australia (Murdoch University) and United Kingdom (University of Manchester, Imperial College).
We also work together with the Office of International Affairs (KUI – UAI) in exploring opportunities to send our students in various programs to continue their study overseas. Similar opportunity is also continuously explored for international collaboration in research, education and cultural exchanges with overseas universities. If you are interested in conducting join research with our faculty members, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Students who are studying in our faculty can expect an excellent learning and training in a harmonious Islamic environment, and good interaction between students and instructors. If you are interested in more details of studying with us please do not hesitate to contact our faculty office. We are here ready to help!
Wassalammualaikum wr. wb.,
Dean Faculty of Science and Technology
Ir. Hidayat Yorianta Sasaerila, M.Sc., Ph.D.