Vision Mission
Program Master in Natural Resources Management
To be the leading MPSDA in shaping superior human beings Rahmatan Lil Alamin, with dignity and intellectual ability in managing natural resources using ecological principles and green technology in the face of climate change, based on Islamic spiritual, moral and ethical values.
Organizing education that shapes the character of a leader Siddiq, Fathonah, trust And tabligh in Natural Resources Management (PSDA).
Carry out research and community service in the field of PSDA related to food security, especially in facing the impacts of climate change, thereby providing leverage for sustainable national development by applying the principles of an enterprising university based on Rahmatan Lil Alamin.
Developing innovative master’s program governance and supported by strategic partnerships so that it can produce graduates who are intellectually superior in the field of PSDA and akhlaqul karimah.
Developing interdisciplinary studies of science and technology in the field of PSDA related to food security, especially in dealing with the impacts of climate change, integrated with Islamic values to create a master’s program as a national and international reference.
- Producing graduates who have leadership character siddiq, Fathonah, trust, and tablig in PSDA.
- Obtain PSDA research results related to food security, especially in dealing with the impacts of climate change based on green technology that can be applied in society.
- Realizing governance good governance and establishing domestic/foreign partnerships.
- Applying the results of PSDA studies related to food security, especially in dealing with the impacts of climate change, integrated with Islamic values.
Strategy 1: Integrate Islamic values that emphasize the character of leaders siddiq, Fathonah, trust, and tablig in the curriculum
Strategy 2: Take advantage of funding opportunities from various sources both domestic and foreign
Strategy 3: Implement governance that refers to transparent key performance indices
Strategy 5: Disseminate the application of research results through community empowerment
- Fear God Almighty who is manifested in the attitude of mercy toward the universe
- Having nationalism to improve the quality of life of the nation and state
- Able to diplomacy and collaborate, respecting various cultural, religious, racial, and opinion diversity
- Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their field of expertise based on siddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah
- Mastering concepts, theories, and systems in environmental science
- Developing knowledge and application of environmental science through research to produce innovative works and proven technology for sustainable development
- Able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research, based on scientific rules, procedures, and ethics in the form of a thesis or other equivalent form, and uploaded on the university website, as well as papers that have been published in accredited scientific journals or accepted in international journals.
- Able to identify the scientific field that is the object of research and position it on a research map developed through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach.
- Able to take policies in the context of solving problems based on science and green technology
- Able to manage, develop, and maintain working networks with colleagues and colleagues within the institution
- Able to create 1 type of PSDA system model in dealing with climate change