Program Master in Natural Resources Management

Indonesia has natural resources that need to be managed sustainably, such as water resources, land, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, including various resources that need to be repaired due to environmental damage, such as water, air and land pollution, floods, landslides, scarcity of clean water, forest fires, coastal aberrations, decreased biodiversity, and impacts resulting from climate change.
The Master of Natural Resources Management (PSDA) at Al Azhar University Indonesia (UAI) is unique and superior compared to several similar study programs at the national and international levels. The uniqueness and advantage is that it examines PSDA related to food security, especially in dealing with the impacts of climate change, by involving various factors and stakeholders including community leaders and religious leaders. It also examines the preparation of PSDA policy models with concepts of Rahmatan lil alamin and sustainable with ecological principles and applying green technology creatively and innovatively by considering socio-cultural and economic aspects of Islamic values. The courses provided at MPSDA UAI are Islamic Philosophy and Ethics in PSDA, Applied Ecology and Food Diversification, Natural Resource Management, Law in PSDA, Economic Valuation of PSDA, Systems Thinking and Modeling, Experimental Design and Data Analysis, Handling Climate Change through Technology green, Bioprospecting-based conservation of biological resources, PSDA policy and diplomacy concepts, Preparation of theses and publications.
The establishment of MPSDA is also expected to contribute to supporting Indonesia to carry out the UN’s international agenda, namely Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 17 Sustainable Development which consists of 4 pillars, namely environmental and legal, social, economic and governance development with 169 targets. Apart from that, it is also to support Indonesia as a country that is included in country G 20, to focus on implementing inclusive health management, digital-based transformation, and sustainable energy. At the 2021 Climate Change Summit, Indonesia committed to controlling climate change, green development and a global commitment in the form of a strategic agreement to achieve net zero emissions.